Illustrations, traditional and CGI
Flash and Gif animations for the web
Photography and Photograpic Retouching
Darcy Studios. One stop web design and illustration
Copywriting and Editing
Web Designing
Contact D'Arcy Studios

I've always had a great fondness for pen and ink illustration. Some of these samples were destined for a book about an Edwardian governess, and the idea was to re-create the style of the golden age of black and white illustration. The other samples are executed using a pointilist technique, and appeared in various other places.

Just click on the small image to see a larger version.

Pen and Ink illustration by Bill Perring. D'Arcy Studios
Reculver Bay. An illustration by Bill Perring. D'arcy Studios
Edwardian Governess by Bill Perring
Pen and Ink
Girl playing concertina
Bodhran player cartoon
cartoon of banjo player
Scottish bagpipe player
Postcard collector
boy with boats and planes