Illustrations, traditional and CGI
Flash and Gif animations for the web
Photography and Photograpic Retouching
Darcy Studios. One stop web design and illustration
Copywriting and Editing
Web Designing
Contact D'Arcy Studios

I mostly use oils these days. There's something leisurely, even sensuous about oil paint that makes it a delight to work with. Want to break off half-way through laying in a huge, sprawling sky, and come back to it next morning? Then oils are your media. Want to have a nervous break-down, trying to fill a four by four inch square without leaving visible brush marks? Then choose acrylics. On the other hand, if you want to get the work in the post the next day - ah, well, it's acrylics again, I'm afraid.

The majority of works on this page were done for various magazines, it hardly matters which as the relevant issues are all long gone. The aviation pictures, however, are an entirely different matter . . .

Child's portrait in oils, by Bill Perring, d'arcy studios.
Nude woman bathing by Bill Perring. Copyright Darcy Studios
Acrylic painting for a women's fiction magazine. Bill Perring. D'Arcy Studios.
Spitfires flying over village wedding. A painting by Bill Perring
Vampire Angel. Horror Cover Art
Chimpanzee painted by Bill Perring